April 18, 2024

How to backup data from Pipedrive to Amazon S3

Using Amazon S3 for backing up your Pipedrive data offers several advantages. With its high durability and scalability, S3 ensures that your critical business information remains safe and accessible at all times. Its pay-as-you-go model means you only pay for the storage you need, making it cost-effective. Plus, S3's robust security features ensure that your data is encrypted and protected against unauthorized access, providing peace of mind for your business continuity needs.

To start using the Amazon S3 backup feature, simply:

1. Create a connection to Amazon S3 bucket
2. Use the created connection on export
3. Export data manually or by a scheduled job

Now you are ready to export your data to Amazon S3. If you plan to export data multiple times, please note that Apimoon provides a feature to define a dynamic file name. You can name a file in a format like ${date:now:yyyy-MM-dd}-products.csv. It will save your data into a file with a name corresponding to the current year-month-date. If you plan to export data often, you can also add a time pattern. In such a case, the format is ${date:now:yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss}-products.csv. So, in the name, not only the date but also hours, minutes, and seconds are included. You can use a combination of both or change the format to suit your needs.

Once the job is done, you will be able to see exported data in a selected Amazon S3 bucket.